It's late

Késia obtained her bachelor's degree in Oral Health at Kristianstad University in 2015. In the same year, she started working at Folktandvården Skåne as a dental hygienist. She is passionate about preventive dentistry and likes variety in her work, which means she enjoys all kinds of treatments including motivational talks. Késia has experience treating patients afraid of dentistry.   


At Folktandvården, Késia also worked as a clinic coordinator. At the same time, she studied "Leadership and organization" at Malmö University, which ended with a master's degree. 


On the other hand, the desire for closer patient contact became great and she therefore sought to return to the role of dental hygienist. Now you meet her here at Tandcity, where she welcomes you as a patient with high professionalism and a happy mood. 


She likes to spend her free time with Crossfit. Késia is very social and has many friends with whom she often hangs out. Her home country is Brazil, but she moved to Sweden in 2007. It was in connection with the move to Sweden that she decided to change profession from Administrator to dental hygienist. The preventive dental care available in Sweden inspired her when she was facing a new stage in her life. She is very proud and happy about this decision.

Késia offers in addition to examinations

  • Treatment of tooth loss
  • Dental cleaning
  • Bleaching and dental jewelry